
Lichess 코치들

IM VRabren Lichess coach picture

IM Vladan Rabrenovic

If you really want to play better, just let me know. I know how to help you.

지역Cacak Serbia
언어English (US), Српски језик
레이팅FIDE: 23712505
시간당 비용1 hour - 25$; 90 min. - 35$; 2 hours - 45$
최근 로그인:
GM Dr-CRO Lichess coach picture

GM Sasa Martinovic

Chess engines can show you the best moves, but I can teach you how to find such moves by yourself

지역Zadar Croatia
언어English (US), Deutsch, Hrvatski
레이팅FIDE: 25652946296324632314
시간당 비용1h=60€; 10h=500€; Training games= 40 €/h; I am also available for group lessons. If you are interested, contact me
최근 로그인:
FM torre-64 Lichess coach picture

FM Kelver Vera Farfan

El ajedrez es mi pasión

지역Camaná Peru
레이팅FIDE: 230625482304
시간당 비용$25 USD
최근 로그인:
FM mac0504 Lichess coach picture

FM Maciej Czopor

"You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win. You will have to lose hundreds of games before becoming a good player." ~ Jose Raul Capablanca

지역 United Kingdom
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 236328022701
시간당 비용£30/hour / Training games £25/hour
최근 로그인:
WFM GGTOURS Lichess coach picture

WFM Галина Новикова

Учу мыслить и побеждать... Уроки на русском языке .Lessons in English are available.

언어русский язык, English (US)
시간당 비용1500
최근 로그인:
CM MskChessTVYouTube Lichess coach picture

CM Максим Матюнин

Никто и никогда не рождался мастером. Путь к этому званию лежит через годы учёбы, борьбы, радости и печали. (Пауль Керес)

지역Москва Russia
언어русский язык
레이팅FIDE: 2128263624202423
시간당 비용2000 рублей
최근 로그인:
FM JosePadeiro Lichess coach picture

FM José Padeiro

Chess is life!

지역Porto Portugal
언어Português, English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 2216222222632438
시간당 비용20 to 30 euros per hour (depending on the player's strength)
최근 로그인:
NM AlvinAlcala Lichess coach picture

NM NM/AGM/FI/NA Alvin Alcala

To book a coaching session or tune-up games please visit

지역Dumaguete City Philippines
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 223225002376
시간당 비용$10-25
최근 로그인:
IM chabo_ftw Lichess coach picture

IM Novak Cabarkapa

With dedication and persistence, improvement is inevitable!

지역 Serbia
언어English (US)
레이팅FIDE: 246428242719
시간당 비용Lessons - 55$/h (10h-500$); Training games - 33$/h (10h-300$)
최근 로그인:
IM HeiLeh Lichess coach picture

IM Heikki Lehtinen

Individually planned chess learning programs for children from a qualified (math) teacher. Possibility to learn math and English together with chess!

지역Macau Finland
레이팅FIDE: 23892481
시간당 비용50USD
최근 로그인: