
People who were blocked by Lichess, what happened, was it a mistake, not insight, or did you really

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#3 She's not asking Lichess to unban her friend. Rather, she's advertising, which is still inappropriate, but it's clear she's not requesting an unban.
@Oportunist said in #2:
> Why would you create a club like that?
@HailstormChessPlayer said in #3:
> Kids... :/
> Creating a club will do nothing, or maybe somehow get a dozen of people to join.
> Use:

Sorry, but I didn’t even name this nickname and won’t name it, and I firmly confirm that it was a violation of “rating cheating”
and please think if I asked anyone to unban the account, then I would write an appeal and I told this story JUST SO AND I DID NOT ADVERTISE ANYTHING, I just had one story and told about it since I have nothing more and so as not to leave you without a story, I told I WILL NOT talk about this and the nickname, but about the club it was created by rofl it’s just ROFL and I myself wrote that I don’t encourage anyone to do anything, it was just a story AND THIS WAS NOT AN ADVERTISING!!!

And I'm not a child