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Lichess məşqçiləri

FM A_H_Kashefi Lichess coach picture

FM amirhosein kashefi

Reach the top level of chess with us

Yertehran Iran
Dillərفارسی, English (US)
ReytinqFIDE: 230326902550269221662210
Saatlıq qiymət1h class 40$ 1h game training 30
FM C0achV Lichess coach picture

FM Vuk Savanovic

“Every chess master was once a beginner.”

YerNovi Sad, Serbia Serbia
DillərEnglish (US), Српски језик
ReytinqFIDE: 2303
Saatlıq qiymətHighly affordable, contact for more information!
CM HGabor Lichess coach picture

CM Gabor Horvath

Professional coach offering chess lessons

YerSzentlőrinc Hungary
DillərMagyar, English (US), Deutsch
ReytinqFIDE: 224523682401
Saatlıq qiymət32 EUR
IM JonasPradoLobo Lichess coach picture

IM Jonas Prado Lobo

If others can achieve success, why not you as well? As your chess coach, I'm here to ensure that you reach your full potential and beyond.

YerOviedo Spain
DillərEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
ReytinqFIDE: 240829392725
Saatlıq qiymətSessions from 8€/hour. Interested? Let me know!
IM rainspistols Lichess coach picture

IM Alexey Palekha

Не такой, как все (если сомневаетесь - запишитесь на пробное занятие) / Not like everyone else

YerKiev Ukraine
Dillərрусский язык, English (US), українська
FM Ali_rastbod Lichess coach picture

FM Ali Rastbod

I can help you in the right way

YerRasht Iran
Dillərفارسی, English (US)
Saatlıq qiymətClass : 30$ per hour / Training game with analysis : 20$ per hour
FM Nuel1 Lichess coach picture

FM Enmanuel de Jesús De la Fe Almeida

Take care of yourself! You are your biggest obstacle.

YerSan Luis, Santiago Cuba
DillərEspañol, English (US), Français, русский язык, Deutsch
Saatlıq qiymət6 a 10€ por hora de clases, 5 € por hora para partidas de entrenamiento WhatsApp +5359503429 por Lichess
CM balack Lichess coach picture

CM Marc Balague

Every learning process should be fun, let's make it enjoyable!

YerZamora Spain
DillərEnglish (US), Español, Català, valencià
ReytinqFIDE: 221026092505
Saatlıq qiymətContact me for more information
FM Fanatist Lichess coach picture

FM Jürgen Kaufeld

Warte nicht darauf, dass Schach einfacher wird, sondern werde du besser! Am besten mit Training von einem fanatistischen Coach :-D

YerDuisburg Germany
Saatlıq qiymət30€ Training, 20€ Trainingspartien
FM Mikasinskii Lichess coach picture

FM Mihailo Djokic

Premium Coaching program for (0-2200) Levels

YerBelgrade, Serbia Serbia
DillərEnglish (US), Српски језик
ReytinqFIDE: 215827882551
Saatlıq qiymət1 = 60€ ,10 = 500 € , Free 30 mins consultation for people who are searching for long term coach